"...and those found "practising it" could be penalised under syariah law " (see link from Malaysian newspaper,
The Star)
(the picture below is JITU, an early 90's Malaysian "hair" "thrash" "power ballad" metal band- these earlier bands (pre- "black metal") were also widely banned/or censored by local radio stations in the 90's when bands began to get "heavy" in Malaysia )Apparently, at an "official" meeting, the meaning of "Black" Metal was discussed (?) the resulting decision will make it illegal to participate in "Black Metal culture"
*thanks to Tiara for the links and update!! Check
CIJ homepage for other opinions (some in Malay) about the whole Black Metal uproar.
additional note: i have not previously made any personal "judgements" on the situation here, since the Malaysian government has done that already... I am just pointing out what is happening, and what has happened... everything I have written in this blog is second hand and not my own opinion. One reader, Syaza, commented to me via email- (
read on boingboing) I wasnt there so I shouldn't judge. But the Malaysian government officials and police are the ones making the broad assumptions and judgements here! They're angry because they see "heavy metal" as a threat to traditional values. But the Malaysian metal fans/youth are equally angry because they are getting hassled for showing up at a heavy metal concert and wearing black T shirts, and accused of such wild far fetched things as drinking blood and peeing on the Koran - which
might have happened maybe ONCE.(previous
post) Heavy metal music is being cast as the culprit here-- one stupid person decided to pee on a holy book, which is then used to condemn a music scene that expresses the frustrations of the youth through
music! not urine! ) This is no different than the witch trials that were taking place here in the US in the 1980s over "satanism" in heavy metal.