Another Malaysian Metal uproar- arrests, searches, at a New Years punk/metal concert in Malaysia

My sister Xeni sent me this info from a BoingBoing reader, Tiara, who had seen my first post last October on this subject. (Thanks for the update Tiara!)
New Years Eve 2006 -hundreds of Malaysian youths detained over alleged "black metal" concert.. accusations of Satanism and indecent behavior... link
Tiara writes : "The detainees were made to do drug tests and be interviewed by the media, which painted them as hooligans worshipping Satan (they even claimed that the concert was a replacement for a sex party in Langkawi). Among their claims of Satanism included black t-shirts, fanzines with "elements of violence, pornography, Judaism (?), curse words like 'fuck'", and men and women mingling together in a place that served alcohol."
Here's the account as told by Malscene (malaysian underground scene)
here are some pictures from a concert last month at the same venue where this crackdown occured... (copyright 19:MeiDesign)

here's my previous post on this subject from October
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