Podcast Link - Nov 23 2008 - a chilly evening in richmond

I just checked iTunes and it's listed under a different title-
(Note: this link will open your iTunes store)
Faye Wong "Impulsive" - Get it! it will make you happy!
from wikipedia:
"1996 saw the release of what many would consider her boldest and most artistically coherent effort to date, Fu Zao (浮躁), usually translated as Restless or Impatience. This was her last album with Cinepoly, and Wong felt she could take more artistic risks. The album contains mainly her own compositions, with an aesthetic inspired by the Cocteau Twins, who penned two original songs for the album, "Fracture" (分裂) and "Repressing Happiness" (掃興). As Wong had covered their work in 1994, she had established a remote working relationship with them—even laying down vocals for a special duet version of "Serpentskirt" on the Asian release of the group's 1996 album, Milk And Kisses.
Although the album was Faye's personal favorite, the response from Hong Kong and Taiwan was less than desirable. Many fans who enjoyed her previous three Mandarin albums turned their back on Restless, which they considered to be too alternative and self-absorbed. There were few ballads which were radio-friendly—had Faye taken her experimentations too far? However, hardcore Faye fans, known as Fayenatics,[10] worshipped the album and it became a cult hit. Wong has not released another fully artistic album since. After the release, Faye became the second Chinese artist (after Gong Li)—and the first Chinese singer—to be featured on the cover of TIME magazine."
I found my copy of this brilliant album on cassette in Chinatown NYC during a particulary cold winter of 2000.... but as i mentioned above.. it's on iTunes now, which is great news for fans of "old school" Faye Wong

music to warm you up, or at least give you a little distraction from the shivers on a chilly (freezing!) november evening