R.I.P. Michael Campbell aka MIKEY DREAD
In case you hadn't heard this sad news yet, Michael Campbell aka Mikey Dread passed away on March 15th 2008.
He was a truly original artist who overcame many obstacles and paved the way for future generations. singer, selecta, poet, scholar, producer, and a man of true wisdom....
(he was also the first reggae artist to turn me on to reggae at the age of 8, when I first heard the Clash's Sandinista LP )
we will never forget you Mikey Dread...

Rest in Peace Mikey Dread
June 4 1954- March 15 2008
more info available here
here is one of my radio podcasts which featured an interview with Mikey Dread -
recorded Jan 2007 at the Jewish Mother in VA Beach alongside SlamTV (they did the interview, i stood by and listened : )
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